Want to bring your idea to life?
Discover and invest in a variety of impactful climate change projects with ease through the Climatize app. Simply connect your bank account securely to the app, and the rest is taken care of automatically.
The City Garçon App offers a free online directory and curator service to provide dessert, coffee, and tea seekers with a quick and easy way to find a great location.
The pre-paid card oriented wallet chosen by over 50% Uruguayan population to manage their money. With the Midinero app, users can collect their salary, shop at thousands of stores, pay their bills, make transfers and much more.
Gymloop engages users with their gym. Reserve a place in classes, access groups with the same interests and control everything through backoffice.
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Do you have clarity on how users perceive your product? As designers or developers, we face this question at some point, whether implementing new functionality or iterating on an existing product. However, we know that tight deadlines and limited resources can make user research seem like a difficult challenge to tackle because of the time and investment involved.
To answer this question, at Nareia we have designed an agile approach we call Minimum Viable Research (MVR). This method allows us to obtain valuable insights, validate the product quickly and efficiently, without compromising deadlines or inflating costs.
In this article we share with you what MVR consists of and how we carry it out in our client projects.
This is a small research stage with users that does not compromise the roadmap or the resources available for the project, but it does serve to validate hypotheses and make new discoveries.
The research phase gives design projects exceptional value. It is a research tool where the true potential of the product is discovered, the impact it will have on users, the market opportunities that exist and mitigates the risk of building something that users do not want to use, in short, it is a key piece to make the right decisions and innovate.
We know that this phase of research is often perceived as costly and that many times it is not clear what to do with the results obtained. At Nareia our intention is to try to change that perception by carrying out a minimum viable research that focuses on obtaining the most relevant insights quickly and efficiently, ensuring that design and development decisions are based on the real needs and expectations of users.
MVR requires design time spent on research, allowing us to optimize when making design decisions. Instead of working on assumptions that could lead us to explore multiple options that are irrelevant to the user and cause us to develop a product that needs to be corrected once it is on the market, we design and develop based on research findings, ensuring that our work is more efficient and focused on what really matters.
Our Minimum Viable Research (MVR) approach combines agility, creativity and experience to obtain actionable insights without compromising timelines or budget.
Before we started, we sat down to define a simple and straightforward plan. We identified:
This step ensures that every minute spent is aligned with business priorities.
Rather than jumping straight to solutions, we focus on understanding the “why” behind each challenge. We validate our hypotheses with the business to ensure we investigate what really matters.
We make sure we know the users who represent the market and we make sure we are spending time studying this audience and not wasting time gathering information on profiles of people who are not relevant to the product.
Depending on the needs of the business, we apply specific tactics that require little time and resources:
We integrate strategic points in the design where users can give us feedback, either through forms or in-app feedback.
This continuous cycle ensures that design evolves based on real data.
To understand how users interact with the final product, we can establish measurement points within the experience to evaluate the different paths users take within the experience. These points are selected based on their relevance to the business and the hypotheses defined during the research.
In this way, we can identify which aspects are working correctly and which ones need improvement, allowing us to iterate and adjust the design according to the results obtained.
We know that not everything always goes as planned, so we are flexible. If a method is not viable, we find creative alternatives to continue obtaining relevant insights.
Additionally, not all steps are necessary for every process, some can be swapped or replaced depending on your needs, budget, and objectives.
Minimum Viable Research is not only about fast research, but also about obtaining practical and above all actionable information that drives product success. Through this approach we help the business to achieve concrete results such as:
While every project is unique, our experience has shown that we can achieve reliable results and actionable outcomes with the following investment:
This means that within a one-week period, it’s possible to conduct research that doesn’t compromise the roadmap while ensuring efforts and resources are focused on adding value to the product.
With one of the clients with whom we performed a MVR, we executed a usability test for a week in order to change the design of the main screen of the application, the home screen.
This redesign involved a big risk because we went from a very simple home screen with only one information, to a more complex home screen where we included access to different services of the product and a big change in the navigation to access the information.
The effort made was of:
During this MVR we were able to prove that most of the changes had been positive but we needed to adjust some affordances, such as horizontal navigation for users to discover some of the content that had been hidden. We also discovered other deeper problems that affected the brand identity of the product.
MVR aims to conduct fast and effective research, using only the necessary resources to avoid affecting project timelines while adding value to the final product.
Its main strength lies in its flexibility, as it can be applied during discovery phases to identify user problems and needs, or in validation stages before development to confirm whether a proposed solution meets user expectations.
By prioritizing key hypotheses, simplifying processes, and fostering feedback cycles, MVR enables informed decision-making, ensuring that the design aligns with users’ real needs without compromising project timelines.
At Nareia we find it important to include research stages even in projects with a tight budget. Thanks to the insights we discover during the research we help us to streamline the design and development process focusing on investing in what the user really needs and gives greater value to the business.
Building a digital product can be an incredibly rewarding journey, but without the right strategy and planning, it’s easy to fall into traps that waste time and money. As CPO in Nareia Software, I’ve seen the same mistakes crop up again and again. In this guide, I want to share how to avoid those pitfalls and help you question your path to build a product.
Many clients come in with a great idea, but they don’t always have a clear sense of why the product is necessary. Defining the problem you’re solving is fundamental. Ask yourself: what pain point does this product address? Who is it for? Without a strong foundation, it’s easy to lose your way during development.
The idea of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) isn’t just a hackneyed approach, it’s the foundation of smart product development. An MVP helps you validate your product idea in the quickest, simplest way possible, giving you insight into its value from a user’s perspective. The goal isn’t to launch with every feature, it’s to identify and deliver the core functionality that solves a real user problem and provides meaningful feedback.
The challenge of creating an effective MVP it’s about finding that sweet spot: offering just enough for users to grasp the value, without overcomplicating this or missing the opportunity for early learning.
A successful product isn’t just about features, it’s about delivering benefits that improve user’s lives. You need to deeply understand what unique value your product delivers. Ask yourself: what do users actually gain from this? How does it solve a problem or make life easier?
Technology should be the means to solve a problem, not the definition of the product itself. Too often I see clients who get caught up in a particular tech trend, and the entire focus shifts toward using that technology rather than solving the core problem.
For example, when AI becomes the central theme, instead of first defining the user’s problem and how the product should solve it, the technology itself starts dictating the direction. AI is a powerful tool, but it’s just that, a tool. It should enhance the solution, not overshadow the value you are trying to deliver.
Having a big budget might seem like an advantage, but it doesn’t guarantee success. In fact, it can lead to overconfidence, encouraging you to add unnecessary features or delay important decisions.
A smaller budget can actually work for your advantage, forcing you to stay focused, and make resourceful choices.
Also, think carefully about when you spend money. Don’t allocate your entire budget upfront. Instead, use just enough to validate your MVP and confirm that your product is viable before committing to the next phases of development
To build a successful product, you need the right team. Clients sometimes overlook the need for specific roles, like product manager or UX designers, assuming developers are the most essential roles you need to build a digital product.
Creating a digital product isn’t just about the money, the tech or the team, it’s about having a clear strategy, managing risks intelligently, and being adaptable. By understanding the common pitfalls and focusing on building an adjusted MVP that delivers real value, you can create a product that resonates with users and makes smart use of your resources. Start small, validate every step, and stay flexible, that’s the key to avoiding pitfalls when your are building digital products.
Fiquei sabendo a pouco da existência do Gramado Summit, quando anunciava-se no Uruguay que pela primeira vez ele iria acontecer em Punta Del Este. E ato seguido fiz questão de participar, pois como uruguaio-brasileiro eu não podia deixar de participar de um evento que une as comunidades das nações do meu coração. Em seguida pensei que pelo conhecimento das culturas de ambos países poderia aportar coisas legais para os participantes. E foi assim que nasceu a participação minha com uma palestra e da Nareia com um estande na feira de negócios.
Em breve publicarei um artigo para contar como foi o processo de criação da palestra e outro onde analisarei o conteúdo.
O evento foi show de bola. Se bem eu teria gostado de ver mais quantidade de participantes, também sei que construir comunidade é assim mesmo, é passo a passo, e esse foi o primeiro ano de internacionalização da Gramado Summit, possivelmente uma quantidade de atendentes comparável com a do primeiro ano do Summit em Gramado.
Teve otras palestras, muito networking e batalha de startups! Cara, nunca tinha visto este formato de competência de startups e amei. Na final chegaram duas uruguaias e uma brasileira, e a grande ganhadora foi a MetaBIX - parabéns! Você pode achar mais informações aquí.
Foi bem interessante ter visto palestrantes em português respondendo perguntas feitas em espanhol, startups fazendo pitch no portunhol de Diego Lugano (que é diferente do portunhol mais muito efetivo), ver a cercania cultural existente entre os países e as amizades que nasceram começando numa quinta cinza em Punta. Que bom que na sexta saiu o sol pois Punta sem sol não é Punta.
Adorei os serviços em geral mais a comida em particular, foi uma boa representação da comida uruguaia com a carne como a estrela, é claro.
A minha palestra foi na manhã de quinta e como era dia de jogo do Peñarol contra o Flamengo valendo vaga nas semifinais da libertadores, perto das 4 da tarde saímos para o Campeón del Siglo com o Serginho e o Johann. Na feira de negócios ficaram a Mica e o Seba que nos esperaram a noite com um bom "asado" para terminar um dia agitado como se costuma aqui no Uruguay. Na sexta chegou o Alvarito e vimos juntos o Demoday.
Fechamos a nossa participação desejando que o evento siga crescendo aqui no Uruguay e que sirva de veículo para a colaboração entre as comunidades brasileiras e uruguaias. Na Nareia estamos à disposição para ajudar no que der e vier.
Quem sabe no ano que vem, podemos organizar um side event aproveitando a vinda dos participantes brasileiros!
<p style="color: #707070; font-weight: 600; font-size: 14px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center;"> Agradecimentos para Emilia Rodríguez, Analista de comunicaciones de CUTI pelo video.